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We are happy to undertake surgery on all cases of corneo-scleral lacerations / globe rupture during weekdays if the morning theatre session is available and the on-call consultant wants us to do so. We shall provide consultant-led corneal input to manage microbial keratitis and other corneal emergencies in eye ED / eye clinics and in-patient ward.

The weekday rota is as follows:

MONDAY: Consultant: Mr Barua (Back-up Prof Rauz)

TUESDAY: Consultant: Prof Rauz (Back-up Mr Barua)

WEDNESDAY: Consultant: Mr Aralikatti (Back-up Mr Pajaujis)

THURSDAY: Consultant: Mr Ting (Back-up Mr Pajaujis)

FRIDAY: Consultant: Mr Ting (Back-up Mr Aralikatti)


Relevant Guidelines:

Acanthamoeba Keratitis


Corneal Eye Diseases

Corneal Scrapes

Corneal PCR Guidelines

RCOphth Guidance on Chemical Injuries on Ocular Surface (including alkaline injuries)

Fungal Keratitis

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